Erik Ericson Got His Backside Handed to Him by Eric M. Dyson
Now that was a debate. It was just beautiful. On Anderson Cooper tonight, the topic was Dr. Dean calling Fox News racist yesterday on Wallace's morning show.To debate it was the esteemed Eric Micheal...
View Articlebreaking:: It's over. It's finally OVER. So Long Iraq
very short but, sweet. Very important.MSNBC: Breaking news: Iraq is over this eveningKeith Olbermann just broke in and announced the last combat troops are leaving this evening. Finally Bush's Folly...
View ArticleWe Need to Wise Up
I don't write many diaries. But, for a long time I have seen something on this blog that deeply worries me. I see so many people falling into a trap and causing so much division and anger. And it does...
View ArticleSenate GOP Vows to Block All Initiatives In Lame Duck
Breaking news on Msnbc: Mitch McConnoll just sent a letter to Harry Reid vowing to hold the Senate hostage on all Initiatives in the Lame Duck, including Start, DADT, Unemployment, ect. unless tax...
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